I had a class earlier this year where we had to read a chapter from Tansy E. Hoskins book Stitched Up: The Anti-Capitalist Book of Fashion. Unlike many of the other readings we had to do for the course, I read the chapter really fast and immediately decided that I had to read the entire book.
I was already aware of many of the things Hoskins examines in this book but I had never had them all compiled on one plate and served to me with such razor sharp straightforwardness. This book has forced me to look long and hard at my own consumer habits and all the industry myths I buy into. After reading this book I can’t justify buying fast fashion anymore, even if I’m only buying those very basic staple garments that I know I will wear until they falls apart.
What’s so great about this book you ask? Chapter by chapter Hoskins examines the very many ways the fashion industry exploits and destroys people and nature. She debunks myths about high end fashion and exposes how most of the industry is ruled by a few conglomerates. At the same time she describes how all of it affects society, from status to body image.
Another great thing about the book is that Hoskins doesn’t just serve up depressing facts about the fashion industry but offers suggestions where to start changing the systems that enable all the exploitation. She encourages the reader to envision a future where we’ve torn down the current system and replaced it with something better.
I really encourage you all to read this book, whether you’re into fashion or not. I would go as far and say it should be recommended reading for all 8th graders.
Have you read Stitched Up? What was your take on it?